Loading, transforming and summarizingFunctions to load data, add covariates or annotations, or provide high-level summaries. |
Construct a SingleCellAssay (or derived subclass) from a `flat` (melted) data.frame/data.table |
Construct a SingleCellAssay from a matrix or array of expression |
Coerce a SingleCellExperiment to some class defined in MAST |
Convert a MASTClassic SingleCellAssay |
Default |
"Melt" a |
Zero-inflated regression for SingleCellAssay |
Summary statistics for genes in an experiment |
Get the concordance between two experiments |
Reads a Fluidigm Biomark (c. 2011) raw data file (or set of files) |
Average expression values for duplicated/redundant genes |
Defunct functions in package `MAST` |
ThresholdingAdaptive thresholding of background noise. |
Threshold a count matrix using an adaptive threshold. |
Summarize the effect of thresholding |
Plot cutpoints and densities for thresholding |
Differential Expression Testing with Hurdle ModelFit a Hurdle linear model to test for zero-inflated differential expression. |
Zero-inflated regression for SingleCellAssay |
Wrapper for lmer/glmer |
Wrapper for bayesian GLM |
Print summary of a ZlmFit |
Estimate hyperparameters for hierarchical variance model for continuous component |
Initialize a prior to be used a prior for BayeGLMlike/BayesGLMlike2 |
Specifying hypothesis and contrasts to testTesting linear functions of coefficients. |
Describe a linear model hypothesis to be tested |
Run a likelihood-ratio test |
Run a Wald test |
Likelihood ratio test |
Low-level manipulation of fitted hurdle modelsReturn coefficients, standard errors, etc. Calculate and return residuals from models. |
Return coefficient standard errors |
An S4 class to hold the output of a call to zlm |
Return predictions from a ZlmFit object. |
Calculate log-fold changes from hurdle model components |
Residual hooks and collection methods |
impute missing continuous expression for plotting |
Gene set enrichment testingTests on the average differential expression effect in a gene set, accounting for gene-gene correlations. Uses bootstraps to assess the gene-gene correlations. |
Gene set analysis for hurdle model |
Bootstrap a zlmfit |
Summarize gene set enrichment tests |
Plotting methodsMiscellaneous plotting methods. Concordance, PCA biplots, and effects plots for fitted hurdle models. |
Makes a nice BiPlot |
Concordance plots of filtered single vs n-cell assays |
Plot confidence ellipse in 2D |
Legacy methodsOlder and perhaps obsoleted methods. |
Likelihood Ratio Tests for SingleCellAssays |
Compute the Et from the Ct |
Filter a SingleCellAssay |
Exponential average |
Filter low-expressing genes |