Return a molten (flat) representation, taking the cross-product of the expression values, the colData (column meta data), and the feature data (mcols).

# S3 method for SingleCellAssay
melt(data, ..., na.rm = FALSE, = "value")








name of 'values' column in returned value


A data.table, with the cartesian product of the row and column attributes and the expression values


#>         Gene primerid Number.of.Cells            Population ncells Subject.ID
#>    1: B3GAT1   B3GAT1               1 CD154+VbetaResponsive      1      Sub01
#>    2:    BAX      BAX               1 CD154+VbetaResponsive      1      Sub01
#>    3:   BCL2     BCL2               1 CD154+VbetaResponsive      1      Sub01
#>    4:   CCL2     CCL2               1 CD154+VbetaResponsive      1      Sub01
#>    5:   CCL3     CCL3               1 CD154+VbetaResponsive      1      Sub01
#>   ---                                                                        
#> 4556:   CCL4     CCL4             100     VbetaUnresponsive    100      Sub02
#> 4557:   CCL5     CCL5             100     VbetaUnresponsive    100      Sub02
#>       Chip.Number Well Stim.Condition Time     wellKey    value
#>    1:           1  A01      Stim(SEB)   12 Sub01 1 A01  0.00000
#>    2:           1  A01      Stim(SEB)   12 Sub01 1 A01  0.00000
#>    3:           1  A01      Stim(SEB)   12 Sub01 1 A01  0.00000
#>    4:           1  A01      Stim(SEB)   12 Sub01 1 A01  0.00000
#>    5:           1  A01      Stim(SEB)   12 Sub01 1 A01  0.00000
#>   ---                                                          
#> 4556:           3  H11      Stim(SEB)    6 Sub02 3 H11  0.00000
#> 4557:           3  H11      Stim(SEB)    6 Sub02 3 H11 23.12221
#>  [ reached getOption("max.print") -- omitted 3 rows ]
as(vbetaFA[1:10,], 'data.table')
#>         Gene primerid Number.of.Cells            Population ncells Subject.ID
#>    1: B3GAT1   B3GAT1               1 CD154+VbetaResponsive      1      Sub01
#>    2:    BAX      BAX               1 CD154+VbetaResponsive      1      Sub01
#>    3:   BCL2     BCL2               1 CD154+VbetaResponsive      1      Sub01
#>    4:   CCL2     CCL2               1 CD154+VbetaResponsive      1      Sub01
#>    5:   CCL3     CCL3               1 CD154+VbetaResponsive      1      Sub01
#>   ---                                                                        
#> 4556:   CCL4     CCL4             100     VbetaUnresponsive    100      Sub02
#> 4557:   CCL5     CCL5             100     VbetaUnresponsive    100      Sub02
#>       Chip.Number Well Stim.Condition Time     wellKey    value
#>    1:           1  A01      Stim(SEB)   12 Sub01 1 A01  0.00000
#>    2:           1  A01      Stim(SEB)   12 Sub01 1 A01  0.00000
#>    3:           1  A01      Stim(SEB)   12 Sub01 1 A01  0.00000
#>    4:           1  A01      Stim(SEB)   12 Sub01 1 A01  0.00000
#>    5:           1  A01      Stim(SEB)   12 Sub01 1 A01  0.00000
#>   ---                                                          
#> 4556:           3  H11      Stim(SEB)    6 Sub02 3 H11  0.00000
#> 4557:           3  H11      Stim(SEB)    6 Sub02 3 H11 23.12221
#>  [ reached getOption("max.print") -- omitted 3 rows ]