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A thin wrapper around Rlabkey to access the ImmuneSpace Data & Tools Portal from R.

This package simplifies access to the HIPC ImmuneSpace database for R programmers. It takes advantage of the standardization of the database to hide all the Rlabkey specific code away from the user. The study-specific datasets can be accessed via an object-oriented paradigm.


Install from Bioconductor:


Or install the latest development version via remotes:



The ImmuneSpace Portal can be accessed via ImmuneSpaceR with the user’s credentials. A .netrc file storing login and password information is required.

  1. Register
  2. Create a netrc file with your ImmuneSpace credetntials using interactive_netrc() function in R:

If you’re familiar with the command-line interface, see the introductory vignette.


Create a connection

The general idea is that the user creates an instance of an ImmuneSpaceConnection class. The instance configures itself to connect to a specific study, and datasets and gene expression matrices can be retrieved by name.

For example:

will create an instance of SDY269.

List datasets

Datasets can be listed by:


which will print names of available datasets and gene expression matrices.

Retrieve datasets

Gene expression matrices or datasets can be retreived by:

LAIV2008 <- con$getGEMatrix("SDY269_PBMC_LAIV_Geo")
elisa <- con$getDataset("elisa")

The connection object caches data, so once it is retrieved, the next time you access it, it will use the local cached copy. The package uses a R6 class system to represent the connection to a study and get around some of R’s copy-on-change behaviour.


The plot method uses ggplot2 functions to generate visualizations of datasets, leveraging the standardized dataset tables.


Examples & Documentation

For more advanced examples and detailed documentation, see the package vignettes and the reports available on ImmuneSpace.


If you’d like to report bugs/issues/feature requests or contribute to the package, please see the contributing guidelines and join our Slack workspace.